Friday, November 12, 2010

The Bloom Is Off The Rose

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's stewardship of his city's education system has taken a troubling turn. The resignation of New York Schools Chancellor Joel Klein precipitated an incredibly secretive...

Foodie Finds

Last week we covered the blue. This week we cover the red.This week's Foodie Finds features restaurants in Red States (although not necessarily red cities). Bon appetit. Wait a minute. That's French....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Foodie Finds

This week's culinary offerings include some fabulous restaurants safely ensconced in Blue States and one in Canada (in case anyone is thinking of fleeing after Tuesday's results):Delfina - Stellar neighborhood...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sorry for the long hiatus. Life and work have taken over in the past several weeks and it's been hard to find time to put pen to paper put fingers to keypad.Today is Election Day. And I am not hopeful...
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